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Kikk og bruk (How to Observe Birds)



Whether you're a novice or a seasoned bird enthusiast, this book equips you with the tools to discover the avian world in a unique and thrilling way, year-round! Explore the secrets of birdwatching with flair, regardless of the season.

In addition to learning how to use binoculars and other essential equipment, 'Look and Use' will introduce you to exciting birding experiences throughout all seasons. Discover the first spring migratory birds, join owl expeditions at night, observe shorebirds on summer beaches, witness the mating ritual of the capercaillie from a camouflage hide, explore the stormy autumn seas for seabirds, and enjoy the sight of tens of thousands of birds departing before winter.

Whether seeking adventure or tranquility, exploration or understanding, this book will be your guide through a fascinating journey into the avian realm. Join this thrilling expedition and elevate your birdwatching to new heights, no matter the time of year

Ørn publishing house
Veståsen 4
1362, Hosle, Norway


Tel.: (+47) 909 60 404
Organization no.: 994304399 VAT
Account no.: 9235.27.10220


Website of:

Matilde Tveit

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